- a listing
of diving sites around the isle
- County
of Kauai
- Linda Ching's photos
of Kauai
- vbushey's photos
of Kauai
- from www.travel-kauai.com
this page
on Anini Beach
- and www.kauai-beaches.com
this page on
Anini Beach
- and www.kauai-beach.com
little house Billie Jean King built) has an activities
- Vacation Kauai has an activities
- some aerial photos
Beach from a kite
- the Kauai Polo Club
- Hawaiiweb has a series of pages on the various beaches of
here is Anini
on Kauai
- the algae
- Kauai
Adventures for windsurfing etc.
- The Austin Sierra Club's photos
from a trip to Kauai
- Crater
nature walk
- the farmers'
are where
you can get local fresh produce
- Here are some
maps of Hawaii
- The Kilauea Point Natural
- The protected swimming lagoons at Lydgate State Park can be
seen in this satellite
view. The smaller pool is suitable for children as it does not get
very deep, the larger pool gets about 8 feet deep at its deepest. A
good place for a family swim especially on days when the surf is rough.
Despite the rock walls there is a good variety of fish to be seen in
these pools.
- The main swimming
beach at Poipu, most of the half circle in the middle is well
protected from the surf and not very deep, on my last trip, while I was
snorkling here, I saw a sea turtle swim by within about 10 feet of me.
The public parking is in the two parking lots just north of the beach
and there are toilets, showers and changing rooms in a few buildings in
the park at the beach. The beach on the left side of the image has
deeper water near the shore.
- Ke'e
beach on the North Shore, at the end of the road, is probably the
most photogenic of the easy to access beaches. It has limited parking
so you may want to arrive early in the day or be prepared to park
inland at an overflow parking spot (the cars near the right edge of the
image) and walk about 600 yards (0.6km) to the beach (you can see the
dry caves along the road as you walk to the beach, they are difficult
to photograph without a tripod as they are very dark). The Napali coast
trail starts here. The beach has a large pool which is reasonably
protected when the surf is not too high. You can see this pool in the
current image as a nice light blue area of calm water near the center
of the image. Some cars are parked in the trees near this where the
road ends.
- The Kilauea
Lighthouse is also a bird sanctuary, and makes an interesting side
trip. Currently Google has low resolution imagery here, so you cannot
see the lighthouse. It is on the main island just across from the small
island off the shore.
- The Queen's
Bath is a large pool in the coastal lava shelf
that rings the north edge of the Priceville Resort. Its roughly about
100 feet long by 30 feet wide, and when the tide is low is mostly
protected from the surf (with the occasional wave spraying over the
side. When the tide is high and when the surf is up it is dangerous and
there have been some people swept out of it to drown in the sea outside
the pool. In this satellite
view there is a traffic circle, if you put a clock at the center of
the circle then the Queen's Bath is between 10 and 11 o'clock on the
lava rock near the foam of the surf. To get to it you hike down a
steep, somewhat slippery, trail from the parking lot at the fork in the
road which turns off to the traffic circle. The worst part of the hike
is along the lava to the bath once you reach the shore line, make sure
you're wearing good footware that will protect your toes!
- Add info on some of the farmer's