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Various libraries exist that extend Python to do 2D and 3D graphics tasks.
- 2011-Mar-06: Work is being done towards getting a subset of Pygame to run on Android. [9444] [1]
- 2010-Aug-31: An overview of using OpenGL from Python. [9353]
- 2010-May-31: The Liveplots package is used for plots that update in real time. [9148]
- 2010-Apr-22: The matplotlib Python graph plotting library has a financial chart plotting system, an example is here. [9088] [1]
- 2010-Mar-28: matplotlib is a very powerful system for producing publication quality 2D graphics (including contour plots). It also has a mode (called pyloab) that emulates matlab graphics. If you do a manual install of this you'll need to install numpy and then matplotlib. Their official How To is here. [6422]
- 2009-Dec-24: Yes, it is now possible to (somewhat) develop applications for the iPhone using Python. The game "Elephants!" was coded in tinypy, translated into C++ and then compiled with Xcode for the iPhone. [8862]
- 2009-Dec-16: Examples of using Matplotlib from Python from the book Matplotlib for Python Developers. [8843]
- 2009-Nov-26: Visvis is a Python library for visualization of 1D to 4D data sets. It uses OpenGL for its rendering. [8798]
- 2009-Oct-23: A recipe for RGB to HSV conversion. [8671]
- 2009-Oct-23: pygooglechart (project homepage is here) is Python module that encapsulates the Google Chart API. Some more detailed discussion of this is here. GChartWrapper is another Python wrapper for the Google Chart API. [4409] [1] [2]
- 2009-Oct-23: colormath is a library for doing colour space conversions. [8653]
- 2009-Oct-09: biggles, this is a
Python graph plotting library that can output to PostScript, PNG, SVG
and GIF formats. Also available here.
- 2009-Sep-30: pysvg is a Python SVG library for creating SVG documents from Python. [8586]
- 2009-Sep-02: gasp is a simple procedural graphics API for Python. [8446]
- 2009-Sep-02: TTFQuery is a package for querying system fonts based on FontTools. [8445]
- 2009-Aug-14: Using PyQt to plot data received through PySerial. [8403]
- 2009-Jun-11: SphinxReport is a report generator written in Python using Sphinx and matplotlib. The project home page is here. [8116]
- 2009-Jun-05: An implementation of the Floyd-Steinberg dithering algorithm. [8090]
- 2009-Jun-05: A comparison of matplotlib and PyQwt for plotting in Python. And some examples of using matplotlib with a wxPython based GUI. [8085]
- 2009-Jun-05: The PLplot scientific plotting package has Python bindings implemented with SWIG. [8084]
- 2009-May-29: SGI's Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) is an open-source system monitoring, measurement and visualization tool which can be used from Python. [8057]
- 2009-May-25: More PyQt plotting demos using matplot lib and PyQwt from PyQt. [8033]
- 2009-May-19: Things is a vector animation API for Python using Cairo and Inkscape SVF files. [7992]
- 2009-Apr-21: PyCap is a Python game writing framework that is based on the PopCap Game Framework. It gets a recommendation here. [7888]
- 2009-Apr-08: nik2img converts Mapnik maps to images. [7843]
- 2009-Mar-27: rrdtool provides some support scripts for working with Round Robin Databases from Python. There is also python-rrdtool. Graphite is a similar sort of data trending and graphing tool. PyRRD is a Python wrapper for rrdtool. [6264]
- 2009-Mar-25: MiniLight is a minimal global illumination renderer (ray tracer), it was written in C++ and has been ported to a number of other languages, including Python. [7789]
- 2009-Mar-23: Generation of captcha without using any fonts. This uses PIL for image processing. [7772] [1]
- 2009-Mar-16: pypng is a pure Python implementation of a PNG image encoder/decoder. [7734]
- 2009-Feb-26: Fungus is a scene based game engine based on pyglet. [7649]
- 2009-Feb-24: MayaVi a
3D data visualization package for Python, the second version adds support for numpy arrays. This is being included with the Enthought Python system.
[172] [1] [2] [3]
- 2009-Feb-23: GooeyPy adds a GUI system to pygame. [7628]
- 2009-Feb-18: candy.candy is a Python package for grabbing videos from youtube. [7606]
- 2009-Feb-13: Using the SDL library (via PyGame) to draw bezier curves in Python. [7574]
- 2009-Jan-28: Stacked graphs using matplot lib is used to create stacked or stream graphs (those graphs of how events change over time that look like a flowing stream from above - especially one that's carrying a coloured oily film with it). [7498] [1]
- 2008-Dec-19: pygraphviz is a Python wrapper for Graphviz Agraph data. An example of using graphviz to map out a database schema. [7314]
- 2008-Dec-19: pyscanning is a wrapper module for sane and twain to allow Python code to do document scanning in a platform independent fashion. [7376]
- 2008-Dec-09: The Enable project is a multi-platform object drawing library build on top of Kiva. Kiva is a multi-platform implementation of DisplayPDF (which is used in Apple's Quartz 2-D graphics API). [7326]
- 2008-Nov-20: James Tauber takes a look at the Discrete Cosine Transform that is used in JPEG image compression. [7246]
- 2008-Nov-08: Voronoi Diagrams, pick a set of control points, assign each a colour and then colour the space around them according to the colour of the closest control point. [7172]
- 2008-Nov-04: Convert color space from HSV to RGB and RGB to HSV [7145] [1]
- 2008-Oct-30: Using matplotlib to generate and display mathematical equations as svg graphics from Python. Turns out that matplotlib contains a port to Python of the math layout algorithms from TeX. [7124]
- 2008-Oct-29: PyCha, is a module for doing charts that uses the Cairo library. [3468]
- 2008-Oct-25: img2txt takes a JPEG or other image file and converts it into colorized ASCII art. [7096]
- 2008-Oct-24: An example of using Chaco to produce an interactive graph to show a simulation of the Van Der Waal's Equation. [7092]
- 2008-Oct-20: Kamaelia,
a multimedia and server development kit. Home page.
- 2008-Oct-18: A look at how to use HSL gradients to colour buttons and other display elements to achieve the modern shiny interface look. [7047]
- 2008-Oct-06: Ned Batchelder's Aptus is a Mandelbrot set graphics creator written in Python. He ran into problems with display redraw flickering on Windows (but not on the Mac) and discusses a solution using double buffering for wxPython here. It is written in Python with a C extension for speed and uses the wxPython, Numpy and PIL packages. [5354]
- 2008-Oct-03: Using alpha blend to show the focus on a particular graph curve in a plot with multiple curves. [6981]
- 2008-Sep-28: svglib is a module for reading and converting SVG based on the ReportLab toolkit. [6934]
- 2008-Sep-13: cocos2d is a framework for building 2D games, demos and applications in Python. [6848]
- 2008-Sep-13: Using the Python Imaging Library to generate degrades letter stimuli contains examples of text rendering in PIL as well as modifying the contrast, luminance and introducing noise to an image. [6846] [1]
- 2008-Sep-11: Polynomial Explorer is a simple example of using matplotlib to plot functions and controlling this with a mouse. [6832] [1]
- 2008-Sep-04: A tutorial that introduces some of the visualization libraries included with the Enthought Python distribution. [6802]
- 2008-Aug-13: SPING replaces PIDDLE, this is a module for 2D graphics that can support both screen and printer contexts and can be driven from a number of environments (including wxPython). [6676]
- 2008-Aug-05: Pyglet, is a cross-platform
windowing and multimedia library for Python. Mentioned here.
This can provide video
playback with assistance from avbin. It now works with Python 2.5 with no external dependencies. In the 1.0 beta 2 version 3D positional audio appeared. Available here on PyPi. Pyglet can make use of OpenGL.
- 2008-Jul-27: svg-chart an SVG charting library for Python. [6591]
- 2008-Jul-13: gnofract4d is a fractal image generation program (which can view the Mandelbrot set among other things). [6514] [1] [2]
- 2008-Jul-04: frog is a turtle graphics package for Python (the project's homepage is here). [6031]
- 2008-Jun-25: A view of the popular Python libraries that make up a useful scientific computing/visualization software stack/platform. [6430] [1] [2]
- 2008-Jun-16: VPython is a Python package that supports real-time 3D output suitable for scientific visualization. [6354]
- 2008-Jun-09: A discussion of Photoshop's blending math can be found here with more details here. [6307] [1] [2]
- 2008-Jun-05: Using Python to generate sparkline graphs for stock pricing. Sparklines can also be generated with CSS code. [6286] [1]
- 2008-May-25: GrapeFruit is a pure Python module for manipulation and conversion of the colour information, it supports many colour spaces including RGB, HSL, HSV, YIQ, YUV, CMY, CIE... [6229]
- 2008-May-24: pygame, a Python game
development toolkit. Here is an
article that shows little about using it for text and sprites.
- 2008-May-20: A simple function to create image colour gradients in PNG files. Another solution to this problem using PyGame that can generate more complex gradients. [6201]
- 2008-May-12: pylo allows you to write Silo visualization files that are used by the Vislt program for large-scale data visualization. [6139] [1]
- 2008-May-12: FusionCharts has a free, flash-based charting component for web applications that can be used with Python. [6138]
- 2008-May-01: PyAMF provides Action Message Format support for Python that is compatible with Flash Player. The PyAMF test suite has been run on Google's App Engine. [6014]
- 2008-Apr-30: gheat a Python heatmap for Google Maps, this creates and superimposes a thermal layer on top of a Google Map. Some of this is done using PIL. In a later version Pygame was used to accelerate the rendering process. [5826]
- 2008-Apr-26: How to use PIL and Python to render black and white graphics with the Google Chart API. A rather cute hack, but I'm sure it will find some uses. [5979] [1]
- 2008-Apr-25: Panda3D (on the cheeseshop here) is a 3D graphics engine written in C++ with the intent to be used from Python. This is free for all uses. [5963]
- 2008-Feb-08: How to use pygame in a headless mode, which you might want to do to use some of its features for something like a web server. [5066] [1]
- 2007-Dec-17: rabbyt is a Python 2D sprite engine using OpenGL for speed. [4442]
- 2007-Dec-12: polipoly (home page) is a module for working with political boundary polygons (such as found in census data). [4417]
- 2007-Nov-30: pyrmchart, is a Python interface to the free RMChart package for business graphs. [4214]
- 2007-Nov-30: pyrmchart, is a Python interface to the free RMChart package for business graphs. [4213]
- 2007-Nov-15: Spatial Hashing is useful in making collision detection in space more efficient. It could also be useful for other types of multi-dimensional searching problems. [4157] [1]
- 2007-Oct-26: gasp, (Graphics API for Students of Python). A library built on pygame that enables absolute beginners to write 1980's style
arcade games as an introduction to python. [3520]
- 2007-Aug-24:
models animal flocking behaviour, here is some pseudocode,
and here is a Python
- 2007-Aug-24:
Pychart, is another
Python graph plotting library, it can output to EPS, PDF, PNG or
- 2007-Aug-24:
this is a Python module for the GIF-draw library which
allows you to draw into various graphics image files.
- 2007-Aug-24:
looks into charting (graphing) solutions for use in Python GUIs
such as wx.lib.plot,
Chaco, matplotlib and RRDTool.
- 2007-Aug-24:
Advanced Software Engineering
makes ChartDirector, a graphing package that can be used from Python,
it is referenced here.
- 2007-Aug-24:
a 2D OpenGL library for multimedia
- 2007-Aug-24:
A Python implementation of the Mandelbrot Set,
implemented using pygame.
- 2007-Aug-24:
pydisplay, a
library for small monochrome graphic displays
- 2007-Aug-24:
Soya 3D
is a high level 3D engine for Python (can be reached at
- 2007-Aug-24:
a Python module for 3D visualization of large datasets.
- 2007-Aug-24:
Python bindings
for the Boost Graph
- 2007-Aug-24:
Links to many Python 3D
- 2007-Aug-24:
Implementing sparklines
in Python, also the sparkplot
module. Sparklines are described in the book: Beautiful Evidence, ISBN:
by Edward Tuftle, this is reviewed here.
- 2007-Aug-24:
a module for using the Cairo 2D graphics package from Python
- 2007-Aug-24:
an easy to use 3D graphics environment based on OpenGL
- 2007-Aug-24:
is a 3D graphics system that has bindings for Python