0mq apis applying batching benchmarks binary cellpadding classes collect compressed cookie detect examining glob hello hr imap interpreter ipy iterator jehiah json knowledge lightweight managing marks martian matching noller operation parser pickling pipeline pocoo procedure pulling pycopia refer references reloading requires rewriting session situations sorts statement statements static stephen streams uni unused validate words writer zipfile
This page discusses various language and library issues with Python.
- 2010-Oct-23: Twiggy is another alternative to the Python logging module. [9418]
- 2010-Oct-23: Using the Python logging module rather than inserting print statements. Mike Pirnat's presentation on the Python logging module. Comparing this to some of the alternate logging solutions. [2417]
- 2010-Oct-21: Customizing the file naming system that the logging module uses, this can be very useful if you want log files that are easy to use on Windows machines (and need to keep the file extension fixed). [9409]
- 2010-Jun-30: The PyMOTW takes a look at the site module which is used for site-wide configuration. [9267] [1]
- 2010-Jun-25: CleverCSS is a small markup language for CSS that is Python-ish, a somewhat reorganized version of it is here. [9242]
- 2010-Jun-25: An introduction to ZeroMQ (or 0MQ) which is another messaging library for Python. [9240]
- 2010-Jun-25: An explanation of what the twisted txAMQP library is used for. Turns out this is a form of messaging middleware used in large business applications. carrot is another AMQP implementation for Python. The Electric Duncan waxes poetic about txAMQP in a three part discourse: part 1, part 2, part 3. Some more discussion about AMQP and the Python py-amqplib module, apparently JPMorgan Chase was the original developer of AMQP and Goldman Sachs is involved too. 0MQ is a similar (but simpler) thing. [8098]
- 2010-Jun-22: PyFilesystem is a module that attempts to provide a unified interface to many different file system types including such things as an in-memory file system, an FTP server file system and the Amazon S3 file system. [9228]
- 2010-May-31: The PyTPMOTW takes a look at the PyYAML module. [9156] [1]
- 2010-May-28: How to send email with Python. [9140]
- 2010-Apr-01: Cython,
a compiler for writing C extensions to Python. The project's home page is cython.org. An example of using cython to speed up cubic bezier curve calculations.
[209] [1]
- 2010-Mar-18: Using smtplib to send commit emails from a Git repository over TLS. [9026]
- 2010-Feb-05: An alternative to the standard Python threading module, this is the threading2 module. [8950]
- 2009-Dec-14: Working with IMAP and iCalendar is an example of extracting calendar information from an email server through IMAP. icalendar is a package for parsing and generation of iCalendar files in Python. [6143]
- 2009-Dec-11: strnum is a module that defines regular expressions and functions that are useful in checking and converting strings to numbers. [8829]
- 2009-Nov-23: The PyMOTW takes a look at the sys modules support for the run time environment, including things like command line arguments and input/output streams. [8785] [1]
- 2009-Nov-23: Doug Hellmann's PyMOTW has a number of index pages, including one by module name which is rather nice. [8784] [1]
- 2009-Nov-23: The PyMOTW takes a look at the sys module's support for memory management and limits. [8698] [1]
- 2009-Nov-12: The rl package is a full implementation of the GNU readline command completion interface. [8736]
- 2009-Nov-12: The PyMoTW takes a look at the sys module's support for tracing your program as it runs. [8734] [1]
- 2009-Nov-05: The PyMOTW takes a look at the sys module's exception handling features. [8709] [1]
- 2009-Nov-04: pyttsx is a module for cross platform text to speech. [8704]
- 2009-Nov-04: Isomyr is an isometric gaming engine for Python based on Pygame. [8696]
- 2009-Oct-23: HeapDict combines a dictionary with a priority queue. [8666]
- 2009-Oct-19: IMAPClient is a complete IMAP client library. Its new home is here. [4397]
- 2009-Oct-09: Python Logging 101 talks about using the logging module. [8617] [1]
- 2009-Oct-02: berrymq is a small message queue system. [8593]
- 2009-Oct-02: pywinusb is a package for working with USB HID devices from Python. [8591]
- 2009-Sep-29: superpy distributes Python programs across a cluster of machines. [8582]
- 2009-Sep-29: How to send an email with Twisted. [8577]
- 2009-Sep-22: The html library provides a more Pythonic way of constructing HTML pages. [8553]
- 2009-Sep-08: The PyMOTW takes a look at the fractions module which implements a class for working with numbers in rational form. [8484] [1]
- 2009-Sep-04: twython provides easy access to Twitter from Python. [8462]
- 2009-Sep-04: Some notes on using PySerial to talk to the serial port from Python. This uses com0com as a null-model emulator to demonstrate the communications. Another related article talks about how to list all serial ports on Windows with Python. A discussion on approaches to framing the data in serial communications, brings back memories of my old VBBS (IceBBS) days. A follow up that discusses frames and protocols. [8349]
- 2009-Aug-13: The PyMOTW looks at the pydoc module. [8398] [1]
- 2009-Aug-08: The PyMOTW looks at the various in-memory data structures that are available in Python. [8384] [1]
- 2009-Aug-06: copads is a collection of Python Algorithms and Data Structures. [8374]
- 2009-Aug-04: Regular Expression HOWTO by A. M. Kuchling, is a good tutorial for use of the "re" module. [8363] [1]
- 2009-Jul-27: On using dictionaries, multi-sets and hashing for counting words in text processing. [8338] [1]
- 2009-Jul-27: The PyMOTW takes a look at the various tools available for text processing in Python. [8337] [1]
- 2009-Jul-24: gdata is a Python module for using the Google API (also available here). [1630] [1]
- 2009-Jul-21: The PyMOTW takes a look at the urllib2 module. This includes a number of additional references at the end of the article. [8311] [1]
- 2009-Jul-17: How to use the Python zipfile module. Another article showing how to use zipfile. [3256] [1] [2]
- 2009-Jul-15: ntplib is a pure Python library for working with NTP servers. [8269]
- 2009-Jul-15: A short introduction to using the Youtube Data API from Python. [8267]
- 2009-Jul-13: [8256]
- 2009-Jul-13: The PyMOTW takes a look at Python's support for file access, this is a brief overview of finding and using files. [8253] [1]
- 2009-Jul-13: The PyMOTW takes a look at the abc module, which is used to make an abstract base class. [8252] [1]
- 2009-Jun-25: PyTextMagicSMS is a Python wrapper for the TextMagic API to send SMS messages. [8196]
- 2009-Jun-22: The PyMOTX takes a look at the robotparser module that is used to parse the robots.txt file. [8176] [1]
- 2009-Jun-18: Getting Python to work with the Amazon Product Advertising API. [8167]
- 2009-Jun-15: The PyMOTW takes a look at the gettext module which is used for maintaining message text catalogs to aid in internationalization of programs. [8148] [1]
- 2009-Jun-11: HtmlList is a screen scraping package that tries to find repetitive patterns in HTML. [8130]
- 2009-May-29: The great
circle distance calculation and approximate calculation of distance
between zip codes. Calculating the distance between points using the Haversine formula for distance on a sphere.
- 2009-May-29: jug is a task-based parallelization framework that uses the file system to communicate between processes (which can evn be on separate machines). [8059]
- 2009-May-28: koboldfs is an application-level distributed file system written in Python. [8048]
- 2009-May-25: The PyMOTW takes a look at the json module in Python 2.6. [8030] [1]
- 2009-May-20: fibra (home page here) is a package that provides cooperative concurrency using Python generators. This article describes it as a task scheduling module. A benchmark comparison (graph here) of Stackless, Kamaelia and Fibra. Improving the handling of exceptions in fibra. Some thoughts on generator co-routines and Kamaelia components. [4070]
- 2009-May-19: ZenQueue a simple, fast, network message queuing system written in Python, [7990]
- 2009-May-08: mailer is a module that simplifies sending complex emails. [7957]
- 2009-May-01: pymodbus, possibly an implementation of the modbus protocol in Python. [7928] [1]
- 2009-Apr-28: The PyMOTW takes a look at the new multiprocessing (part 1) module. And in part 2 looks at communication between processes with multiprocessing. And also takes a shot at implementing MapReduce with multiprocessing. [7884] [1]
- 2009-Apr-23: encutils is a package to detect how text files or strings are encoded (UTF-8 etc.). [7899]
- 2009-Apr-23: A Python OpenID Library with support for both the 2.x and 1.x OpenID protocol versions. This uses the Python Yadis library. Also here on PyPI. [6232]
- 2009-Apr-20: Tempita is a small templating language. [7886]
- 2009-Apr-20: The itools library is a collection of packages focused mainly on working with different file formats (XML, CSV, HTML...) but also offers a template system and a search engine. [7885]
- 2009-Apr-16: Converting from UTC datetime to the UNIX timestamp. [7878]
- 2009-Apr-14: Using YAML instead of XML or other text-based files. [7872]
- 2009-Apr-07: markdown2 is a text to HTML filter that implements the markdown text format. [6823]
- 2009-Apr-06: The PyMOTW takes a look at the pipes module which is use to create command pipelines. This can be used to tie together commands that write their output to specific files, not just those that use stdin and stdout. [7832] [1]
- 2009-Mar-31: Creoleparser is a Python library for converting Creole wiki markup to HTML. [7817]
- 2009-Mar-27: pyfse is a module for building finite state machines in Python. [7802]
- 2009-Mar-24: blist is a list-like type that has better performance that the standard Python list type in most cases. It is built around a B+Tree. [7779]
- 2009-Mar-23: An OrderedDict, OrderedSet and an OrderedSet with Weakrefs. [7773] [1]
- 2009-Mar-23: SRPy is a module for coordination and communication between multiple Python processes, even across machines. [7764]
- 2009-Mar-20: python-daemon this simplifies the implementation of a standard UNIX daemon process in Python. [7757]
- 2009-Mar-16: The PyMOTW takes a look at the asynchat module which is used for building asynchronous network communications protocols. [7731] [1]
- 2009-Mar-13: The bitstring package provides easy manipulation of strings of binary data. The project home page is here. [7722]
- 2009-Mar-04: RPyC is a package that provides "remote Python calls", a form of remote procedure calls between Python processes for distributed computing. [7687]
- 2009-Mar-03: PyV8 is a Python wrapper for Google's V8 engine. This allows JavaScript and Python objects to communicate. [7678] [1]
- 2009-Mar-02: The PyMOTW takes a look at the asyncore module, an asynchronous I/O handler. [7668] [1]
- 2009-Feb-24: An overview of stackless Python which gives you microthreads - threads that have a much smaller memory cost. [7636]
- 2009-Feb-23: VMPython provides access to VMWare's API from Python. [7629]
- 2009-Feb-23: Parallel Python could be an effective way of using more than one processor on a multi-core system. See also an entry on the Cheese Shop and also the project's home page. [1881]
- 2009-Feb-21: A recommendation for the new multiprocessing module which implements an API similar to the threading module, to distribute work across multiple processes. Combining this with Net-SNMP for asynchronous multi-processing in Python. [6950]
- 2009-Feb-13: The PyMOTW takes a look at the pwd module which is used for reading user data from the UNIX password database. [7577] [1]
- 2009-Feb-13: Jesse Noller takes a look at programming with twisted. [7575]
- 2009-Feb-03: circuits is an event-driven framework. Jesse Noller takes a look at circuits here. [7162]
- 2009-Jan-30: LEPL is a recursive descent with full backtracking parser for Python. [7509]
- 2009-Jan-21: The PyMOTW takes a look at the compileall module that is used to compile Python code to byte code. [7468] [1]
- 2008-Dec-19: pyavl is an avl-tree type for Python - this is a self-balancing binary search tree. [7375]
- 2008-Dec-19: python-serpente is a Roman numeral encoder and decoder. [7369]
- 2008-Dec-17: pymta is a Python library for building custom SMTP servers. [7363]
- 2008-Dec-08: Some thoughts on the merits of using Python files to configure a program rather than .ini files. [7319]
- 2008-Dec-08: The PyMOTW takes a look at the gzip module which is used to read and write compressed files. [7311] [1]
- 2008-Dec-05: pyquery is a jquery-like library for Python to allow you to query the contents of XML documents. [7302]
- 2008-Dec-03: The PyMOTW takes a look at the readline module which provides an interface to the GUI readline library. [7295] [1]
- 2008-Dec-03: RSL is a remote services library, it is a client side library that tries to map various service protocols to Python methods. [7291]
- 2008-Nov-25: urllib3 is a package to provide thread-safe connection pooling and file posting support which are missing from urllib and urllib2. [7262]
- 2008-Nov-20: Consistent hashing is a method to use a hash function to distribute load across a group of non-uniform servers. This can be very useful in combination with a memory caching system. This idea can also be used for other sorts of problems too. hash-ring is a Python module that implements consistent hashing. [5299] [1]
- 2008-Nov-20: threadpool is an object-oriented thread pool framework. [7244]
- 2008-Nov-15: Calendar is a set of modules for calendrical calculations. [7221]
- 2008-Nov-10: The PyMOTW takes a look at the array module which can be used to handle sequences of fixed types of data. [7184] [1]
- 2008-Nov-03: rel a registered event listener. [7140]
- 2008-Nov-03: The PyMOTW takes a look at the struct module which is used for working directly with binary data. [7134] [1]
- 2008-Oct-28: FormEncode is a module for HTML form validation, generation and conversion. [7111]
- 2008-Oct-24: pybox2d is a Python interface for the Box2d game Physics library. [7090]
- 2008-Oct-22: An implementation in pure Python of the CPython dict type. [7074]
- 2008-Oct-22: shipyard is a module for processing data that is stored in an email header-like (RFC2822) form. [7072]
- 2008-Oct-20: The PyMOTW takes a look at the smtpd module for implementing SMTP servers. This way to the land of spam. [7057] [1]
- 2008-Oct-11: phprpc a project to implement a Perfect High Performance Remote Procedure Call client and server for use over the internet. [7005]
- 2008-Oct-06: The PyMOTW takes a look at the smtplib which is used to implement a simple message transfer client. [6989] [1]
- 2008-Oct-06: The PyMOTW takes a look at the pkgutil module, this contains a function that is used to modify the search path for modules. [5121] [1]
- 2008-Oct-06: The PyMOTW takes a look at the tempfile module. [5085] [1]
- 2008-Oct-04: tftpy, a
pure Python TFTP library with both client and server support. Also here on PyPi.
- 2008-Oct-02: lunardate is a Chinese Calendar library. [6969]
- 2008-Oct-01: The struct module knows about common structure padding and alignment rules, so the byte sizes it reports for different ways of ordering the elements within a structure may be different as this writer discovered. [6961]
- 2008-Sep-30: pyscard is a module to add smart cards support to Python. [6953]
- 2008-Sep-28: Deliverance is a module for rewriting HTML pages to introduce theme styles. [6933]
- 2008-Sep-28: The PyMOTW takes a look at the mailbox module which can be used for accessing the contents of local mailbox files. [6932] [1]
- 2008-Sep-25: PottyMouth transforms unstructured and untrusted text into valid and safe XHTML. [6922]
- 2008-Sep-22: The PyMOTW takes a look at the imaplib a module that implements IPAM4 client communication functions. [6899] [1]
- 2008-Sep-19:
ieee754bin is a module for manipulating floating point numbers at the bit level. [6887]
- 2008-Sep-19:
py_sg is a library for sending commands to SCSI devices (on Linux) from Python.
- 2008-Sep-19: winrandom provides access to the Windows Cryptographic CryptGetRandom() function.
- 2008-Sep-17: SIP is a
tool for generating Python modules that wrap C or C++ libraries, Also here on the Cheeseshop.
- 2008-Sep-15: The PyMOTW takes a look at the anydbm module which provides access to DBM-style databases. [6856] [1] [2]
- 2008-Sep-14: captchaimage is a Python module for creation of captchas. [6854]
- 2008-Sep-14: The PyMOTW takes a look at the built in exceptions module and now that Python 2.5 deprecates string exceptions it is probably time to convert any lingering string exceptions over. [6852] [1]
- 2008-Sep-13: pytpic is an implementation of the TPIC protocol for transparent communication between processes in a cluster. [6847]
- 2008-Sep-11: domainmodel is a Python implementation of ideas from Domain Driven Design by Eric Evans. [6834]
- 2008-Sep-11: cogen is a library for network oriented, coroutine based programming. This is based on an enhanced WSGI server. [6833]
- 2008-Sep-04: The PyMOTW takes a look at the cmd module, which is used for creating command interpreters. cmd2 provides additional features for the cmd module. [6044] [1]
- 2008-Sep-01: pyke is a Knowledge Engine and automatic Python program generator. This would be the core of an expert system. [6783]
- 2008-Sep-01: morbid is a publish/subscribe messaging server that uses the STOMP protocol and is implemented using Twisted. [6782]
- 2008-Aug-29: A fancy wxPython exception handler that can be used to catch unhandled exceptions, package them up with diagnostic data and send the package to a support site. [5083] [1]
- 2008-Aug-19: The PyMOTW looks at the signal module. [6706] [1]
- 2008-Aug-10: peafowl a light weight server for reliable distributed message passing - this uses the memcache protocol. [6658]
- 2008-Aug-10: pushy is a library that allows one to connect to a remote Python interpreter and access objects on it as if they were in the local interpreter. It requires an SSH daemon to function. [6657]
- 2008-Aug-05: The Python MOTW takes a look at the webbrowser module which is handy if you want to pop up some web pages from a script for the user to review. [6637] [1]
- 2008-Jul-31: two_way_dict is a specialized dictionary that supports reversible lookups, so you can look up by value to find the key. [6615]
- 2008-Jul-31: python-mhash provides an interface to a number of hash algorithms provided by the mhash library. [6614]
- 2008-Jul-28: The PyMOTW takes a look at the uuid module which implements the RFC 4122 system for making universally unique IDs. [6594] [1]
- 2008-Jul-24: splarnektity is a module to provide functional pattern matching to Python, this could be useful in parsing configuration files for networks. [6573]
- 2008-Jul-23: jsonpickle is a Python library for serializing arbitrary objects to JSON. [6566]
- 2008-Jul-20: The PyMOTW takes a look at the base64 module. [6556] [1]
- 2008-Jul-14: ldraw is a Python package to allow one to create LEGO scene and model files in the LDraw CAD format. [6522]
- 2008-Jul-11: The PyMOTW looks at xmlrpclib and the SimpleXMLRPCServer modules. [6487] [1]
- 2008-Jul-09: MLPY is a package for machine learning based on Python and NumPy. [6499]
- 2008-Jun-27: httpsproxy_urllib2 is a package that contains a patched version of urllib2 and httplib to correct the CONNECT method to allow it to connect to an HTTPS server over a proxy server. [6455]
- 2008-Jun-27: IPy is a module for working with IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and networks. [6454]
- 2008-Jun-27: A huffman encoder and decoder module for Python. [6453]
- 2008-Jun-25: FIAT is a finite element automatic tabulator. [6431]
- 2008-Jun-23: pyEggs a package to compile all the Python scripts in a folder tree into an Egg suitable for uploading to PiPi. [6414]
- 2008-Jun-23: The PyMOTW takes a look at the warnings module that is used to deliver/control non-fatal alerts to the user of a program. [6410] [1]
- 2008-Jun-20: lockfile a platform independent file locking module. [6395]
- 2008-Jun-20: Async Batching with Twisted: A Walkthrough, contains a number of simple examples. [6394]
- 2008-Jun-19: The egenix-mx-base (home page is here) is a collection of extension packages for Python, mxDateTime, mxTextTools, mxProxy, mxBeeBase, mxURL, mxUID, mxStack, mxQueue, mxTools. [6380]
- 2008-Jun-19: pyserial is a module that encapsulates access to the serial port. It supports Windows, Linux and possibly other UNIX like systems. [6379]
- 2008-Jun-17: ivy-python a lightweight software bus for prototyping protocols. [6361]
- 2008-Jun-16: The PyMOTW takes a look at the platform module which is used to get access to system hardware and operating system version information. [6355] [1]
- 2008-Jun-13: eventlet is a networking library for Python that uses non-blocking IO and coroutines. [6341]
- 2008-Jun-13: pyGAPI is an API to Google Analytics to handle authentication and automatic download and parsing of any Google Analytics data and reports. [6324] [1]
- 2008-Jun-12: pyGTrends a package for authenticating and pulling data from Google Trends. [6323] [1]
- 2008-Jun-09: PyNN is a package for simulator-independent specification of neuronal network models. [6308]
- 2008-Jun-09: The PyMOTW takes a look at the dircache module which caches directory listings and refreshes them when the time stamp on the directory changes. [6306] [1]
- 2008-Jun-06: ADITAM is a package for distributing and managing tasks across a network. It has two parts, the agent and the core. [6299]
- 2008-Jun-06: ldapdict is a module to interface with an LDAP server and return data from it wrapped in Python dictionaries. [6294]
- 2008-Jun-02: The PyMOTW takes a look at the cookie module which provides tools for working with HTTP cookies on a server. [6263] [1]
- 2008-May-28: python-jspickle is a very fast JSON encoder/decoder for Python, it can also serialize/de-serialize objects like pickle does. It is written in C so can be up to 250 times as fast as a pure Python solution. [6249]
- 2008-May-25: The PyMOTW visits the contextlib module which is used with the new with statement from Python 2.6. [6228] [1]
- 2008-May-22: ConcurrentLogHandler is a drop in replacement for the RotatingFileHandler which adds file locking so that multiple processes can log to a single shared file. [6210]
- 2008-May-21: upoints is a module for working with points on the Earth. [6207]
- 2008-May-20: The PyMOTW takes a look at the traceback module which is used to produce detailed error messages with program stack traces. A very handy thing to have in server log files. [6200] [1]
- 2008-May-15: piquant is a package to extend NumPy and SciPy to allow the specification of numbers with physical units. [6169]
- 2008-May-12: The PyMOTW takes a look at the heapq module which implements a min-heap sort algorithm. [6144] [1]
- 2008-May-12: In Command line programs are classes, too! Doug Hellmann talks about using the CommandLineApp module to write command line applications that are classes. [6142]
- 2008-May-10: pybonjour is a pure Python interface to Apple Bonjour and DNS-SD libraries. [6092]
- 2008-May-06: py-notify is a package for implementing the Observer programming pattern. [6058]
- 2008-May-04: Concurrency with Python, Twisted and Flex. Sounds like an interesting approach to distributing work across processors. [6046]
- 2008-May-01: Using httplib to send cookies. [6022] [1]
- 2008-Apr-30: python-commons is a library that extends the functionality of the standard Python library set. [6008]
- 2008-Apr-29: trellis is another package for event-driven programming, this takes a different approach to the problem than the Twisted system. [5997]
- 2008-Apr-28: The PyMOTW takes a look at the functools module which provides tools for wrapping functions and other callable objects. [5991] [1]
- 2008-Apr-25: PyDADL is a framework for development of a distributed client/server application. [5964]
- 2008-Apr-21: The PyMOTW takes a look at the filecmp module. This is useful for comparing files and directories. [5939] [1]
- 2008-Apr-19: BitVector is a pure Python memory-efficient packed representation for bit arrays. [5932]
- 2008-Apr-15: d9t.gis is a Python package for searching for near addresses, this is specific to German zip codes but that may just be a data set issue. [5816]
- 2008-Apr-14: beaker is a session and caching library for use with WSGI middleware. [5802]
- 2008-Apr-14: The PyMOTW takes a look at the < ahref="http://blog.doughellmann.com/2008/04/pymotw-fnmatch.html">fnmatch module, which is used to emulate the way the UNIX shells do filename pattern (glob) matches. This sounds a lot like the glob module. [5799] [1]
- 2008-Apr-10: pyOOP a library of object oriented programming structures for Python. [5762]
- 2008-Apr-09: yapsy is a package to manage plug-in extensions. [5753]
- 2008-Apr-08: The Twisted web server modules (web, nevow and web2) are going to be combined into an updated version of the twisted.web module. [5745]
- 2008-Apr-07: springpython (here on the cheese shop) is an implementation of the Java Spring Framework for Python [5619]
- 2008-Apr-07: The PyMOTW takes a look at the operator module. This module contains functions that provide the same functions as many built in operators, allowing you to use this operators in places that call for a function object. [5618] [1]
- 2008-Apr-06: shove is a common object storage front end, this allows you to store Python objects to a variety of different database or file-system backends (even things like Amazon S3) using a single API. [5611] [1]
- 2008-Mar-31: The PyMOTW takes a look at the urllib which is used for the client side of access to HTTP resources. [5364] [1]
- 2008-Mar-30: PyOoHtml is a module that provides an Object Oriented approach to HTML. [5356]
- 2008-Mar-23: The PyMOTW takes a look at the collections module. [5322] [1]
- 2008-Mar-17: The processing module is a package for spawning and using processes in Python that follows the same API as the threading module. [5297]
- 2008-Mar-16: pysfst a set of Python bindings to the Stuttgart Finite State Transducer Tools. [5292]
- 2008-Mar-16: The PyMOTW takes a look at the datetime module which provides functions for doing date and time parsing and arithmetic. [5290] [1]
- 2008-Mar-14: pyLinkage implements linked lists for Python, not that you really need these with the built in Python list class. [5275]
- 2008-Mar-14: The Devil Framework (from DLevel Software Design) is a framework for configuration, management (data collection, monitoring and control) of a distributed network of systems. This may be applicable to the SCADA system problem, how to collect, process and display a series of events being received from PLCs. [5228] [1]
- 2008-Mar-10: The PyMOTW visits the time module. [5246] [1]
- 2008-Mar-03: workerpool a module for distributing jobs to a pool of worker threads. The project home page is here. [5214]
- 2008-Feb-28: getFileVersionInfo obtains the publisher name and version number information from EXE files on a Windows system. [5183]
- 2008-Feb-27: pyscard is a module for using smart cards from Python. [5177]
- 2008-Feb-24: The PyMOTW visits the imp module which is used for working with Python's import mechanism. [5151] [1]
- 2008-Feb-22: CommandLineApp is a module for parsing command line arguments and a base class for command line applications. [5142]
- 2008-Feb-22: pymills, a collection of Python libraries focused on event driven and asynchronous applications, including distribution of them across different nodes. This includes the "ann" module that is useful in building artificial neural networks. The project home page is here. [2609]
- 2008-Feb-21: dnspython is a DNS toolkit for Python. [5133]
- 2008-Feb-21: pydkim is a library that implements the Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) protocol for email signing and verification. [5132]
- 2008-Feb-21: pysage is a pub-sub (publish and subscribe) message passing library. [5131]
- 2008-Feb-12: Python's BaseHTTPServer class makes it pretty trivial to build little custom web servers to perform dedicated functions, here is an example to add a web interface to command line tools or scripts. [5088]
- 2008-Feb-12: Pickle optimizer examines Python pickles and eliminates unused PUT opcodes, resulting in smaller pickles. [5087] [1]
- 2008-Feb-11: RDFLib is a Python library for working with RDF, a simple and powerful language for representing information. hypercode is another package for working with RDF. RDF gets more coverage on Slashdot. [5032]
- 2008-Feb-07: validate is a package for validating values (usually strings) against a specification, and transforming them or doing type conversion. [5063]
- 2008-Feb-07: pylabrad is a Python interface to LabRAD, a system for building distributed instrument control and data analysis applications. [5061]
- 2008-Feb-07: Magicdate is a module to allow user entry of dates such as "a week and 2 days ago". [5060]
- 2008-Feb-05: The PyMOTW takes a look at the string module. [5037] [1]
- 2008-Jan-31: PyHyphen, is a Python wrapper for the hyphenation dictionaries that come with OpenOffice.org and Mozilla. [5027]
- 2008-Jan-29: Implementation of some .NET libraries for CPython. [5013]
- 2008-Jan-21: The PyMOTW takes a look at the hashlib module that combines the original md5 and sha modules and extends them with other hashing algorithms provided by OpenSSL. [4974] [1] [2]
- 2008-Jan-15: Importing a particular version of a package that is managed by easy_install. [4704]
- 2008-Jan-14: The PyMOTW takes a look at the threading module. [4674] [1]
- 2008-Jan-11: An article about a simple way to implement a plug-in (plugin) system to allow user-written extensions to software. [4651] [1]
- 2008-Jan-07: The PyMOTW takes a look at the weakref module that lets you refer to a large object without preventing it from being garbage collected. These are potentially useful in object caching situations. The article also includes some informative examples on Python's garbage collection system. [4600] [1]
- 2008-Jan-01: The PyMOTW takes a look at the mmap module which is used to map files directly into memory. [4547] [1]
- 2007-Dec-25: The PyMOTW looks at the zipimport module which lets you load and run code that is contained in zip files. [4520] [1]
- 2007-Dec-17: statlib is a new module that will combine a number of Python statistical modules. [4439]
- 2007-Dec-17: The PyMOTW takes a look at the zipfile module. [4438] [1]
- 2007-Dec-10: CLY is a Python module for implementing interactive command line shells. [4408]
- 2007-Dec-10: The PyMOTW takes a look at the BaseHTTPServer which gives you the basis for building a custom HTTP server in Python. I have used this in a problem report tracking system for work and in the pictatrove server and the webanno server. [4404] [1]
- 2007-Dec-03: The PyMOTW takes a look at the socketserver module, which is usful in implementing TCP/IP socket server programs. [4387] [1]
- 2007-Nov-29: ShedSkin,
a Python to C++ compiler, main site is here. Mentioned here
on Slashdot. Here it is used to good effect to speed up real-time julia set fractals.
- 2007-Nov-27: The PyMOTW takes a look at the inspect module. This module can be used for looking inside objects to see their attributes, functions and class pedigree. There is also support for examining the call stack. [4200] [1]
- 2007-Nov-23: gocept.paypal is a module that implements PayPal's express checkout and Website Payments Pro APIs. [4187] [1]
- 2007-Nov-22: StructArray is a module that lets you define large arrays of objects and then provides the ability to apply various operations to attributes of all the objects at once - this is sped up from what you could do in Python by applying the operation through C-code extensions. This is obviously useful in some types of games, such as 3D graphics, but it could also be useful in manipulating lare data sets. [4186]
- 2007-Nov-19: The PyMOTW looks at the urlparse module. [4174] [1]
- 2007-Nov-15: Spatial Hashing is useful in making collision detection in space more efficient. It could also be useful for other types of multi-dimensional searching problems. [4157] [1]
- 2007-Nov-06: This articlediscusses the strange case of pickling an object twice resulting in two different pickle strings. Turns out (in the comments) this is an expected behavior and there is some discussion of what pickle actually is and an example of using the dis module to take a look at the disassembled pickle string to better see what is going on. [4032] [1]
- 2007-Oct-22: cssutils a Cascading Style Sheets library for Python, for parsing and building of CSS. [3495]
- 2007-Oct-21: The PyMOTW takes a look at the itertools module, this provides iterator functions for efficient looping. [3493] [1]
- 2007-Oct-21: Thoughts on implementing ordered dictionaries in Python. [3491]
- 2007-Oct-18: A hack for doing on the fly reloading of modules. [3466]
- 2007-Oct-16: The PyMOTW looks at the shlex module, which can be used for parsing quoted strings, implementing shell-like syntaxes and writing domain-specific mini-languages. [3453] [1]
- 2007-Oct-05: The book Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame (by Will McGugan) is offering a preview by way of a free chapter on Artificial Intelligence. [2607]
- 2007-Oct-05: si, a module to represent SI units. [2597]
- 2007-Oct-02: pycopia, is a large network application framework project, with a number of supporting libraries. A number of these have shown up on the cheese shop, such as: pycopia-WWW, pycopia-XML, pycopia-audio, pycopia-net, pycopia-process. [2429] [1]
- 2007-Oct-02: martian, a module to grok configurations from code. This appears to be a bit more than just writing the configuration file in Python and having the program import it to set up the configuration. [2427]
- 2007-Sep-22: The PyMOTW examines the timeit module for high resolution time functions. [2243]
- 2007-Sep-21: magicdate is a module to allow for user entry of informal dates like "tomorrow" or "next tuesday".
- 2007-Sep-13: The PyMOTW looks at the hmac module, which is used for cryptographic signatures and verification of messages. [1885] [1]
- 2007-Sep-07:
A note of rounding a floating point number to N significant digits using the string formatting function. [1636] [1]
- 2007-Sep-07:
The PyMOTW looks at the calendar module which can be used to get simple textual calendars for a given month or year as well as doing date oriented calculations.
[1635] [1]
- 2007-Sep-07:
The PyMOTW looks at the glob module which is used for quickly extracting a list of files (from a directory listing) that fit a simple wild card-type pattern (but not a regex-style pattern).
[1634] [1]
- 2007-Sep-07: The PyMOTW looks at the os module, useful for things like running external processes, though cautions that there are newer ways of doing some of this.
[1633] [1]
- 2007-Aug-24:
a dictionary class that remembers insertion order as well.
- 2007-Aug-24:
Tracebacks from Current Exception, presents a simplified routine
for formating up an exception traceback
- 2007-Aug-24:
The setup.py
command and buildutils module.
- 2007-Aug-24:
A note on tricky
- 2007-Aug-24:
A note on the purpose
and use of the implied module path for imports.
- 2007-Aug-24:
shlex.split() can allow you to do a string.split() that respects
quotation marks within the string being split.
- 2007-Aug-24:
a Lisp dialect compiler to Python byte-code
- 2007-Aug-24:
is a small parsing toolkit for Python
- 2007-Aug-24:
a universal encoding detector
- 2007-Aug-24:
a collection of Python utility modules
- 2007-Aug-24:
synchronization mechanisms in Python
- 2007-Aug-24:
Some notes on using Python thread
- 2007-Aug-24:
common file format parsers
- 2007-Aug-24:
Python 2.5 adds logic functions any() and all()
- 2007-Aug-24:
debugging in Python -- fighting the GC, an artical that explorers
debugging memory use in Python.
- 2007-Aug-24:
is a command line argument parser that offers some more capabilities
than optparse
- 2007-Aug-24:
An introduction
to using the buildout
tool to build up a package from the source.
- 2007-Aug-24:
The path module from Jason Orendorff
offers some functions that may be easier to use than the standard
os.path module. Another recommendation
of this module.
- 2007-Aug-24:
How to do sorting
in Python
- 2007-Aug-24:
Cross platform techniques for file
- 2007-Aug-24:
do we have to use CTRL-D or CTRL-Z to exit the Python interpreter?
- 2007-Aug-24:
Type checking
using decorators
- 2007-Aug-24:
is a USB attached data acquisition module (from measurementcomputing.com)
with Python support
- 2007-Aug-24:
usage of the Python dictionary
- 2007-Aug-24:
An Enum
type for Python
- 2007-Aug-24:
accessing the USB interface
through Python
- 2007-Aug-24:
another module that allows you to load a config.ini file into a
dictionary for easy processing
- 2007-Aug-24:
A B+Tree
implementation for C#, Java and Python
- 2007-Aug-24:
Lint for Python, PyChecker
looks at code for common mistakes. Analysis
might be a similar tool. Pyflakes is another.
- 2007-Aug-24:
Prothon is another
prototyping and scripting language like Python, that made its first public
appearance in March 2004.
- 2007-Aug-24:
The Python Grimoire
- 2007-Aug-24:
Some assorted
untilities that have been packed into a module
- 2007-Aug-24:
A timezone
module for Python (pytz)
by Stewart Bishop, this has lots more information about the odd
timezones of the world, including information on old timezones and
daylight savings time changes.
- 2007-Aug-24:
a computer on LAN activity.
- 2007-Aug-24:
calculator module
for Python
- 2007-Aug-24:
Faster ways of doing string
concatenation in Python.
- 2007-Aug-24:
Psycho is a profiling
compiler module for Python
- 2007-Aug-24:
How to make modules
- 2007-Aug-24:
Some notes
on using the __name__ == "__main__" trick to allow a module to also run as
an application
- 2007-Aug-24:
Support for parallel
computing in Python.
- 2007-Aug-24:
a module to generate HTML code for a month, adding optional links if
- 2007-Aug-24:
functions to generate one month and one year calendars in HTML format.
- 2007-Aug-24:
Printing relative
- 2007-Aug-24:
is a command line parsing library for Python
- 2007-Aug-24:
PyDev is a plugin for
Eclipse that allows Eclipse to be used as an IDE for Python.
- 2007-Aug-24:
Python 2.4 extensions using the Microsoft VC Toolkit 2003 (which is
- 2007-Aug-24:
a Python library for testing mass storage devices such as SCSI, IDE/ATA,
SATA and USB that are supported by the SCSIPASSTHROUGH layer under
Windows XP, 2000 and 98.
- 2007-Aug-24:
Mbus, RFC3259, a protocol for
group communication between application components implemented in Python
- 2007-Aug-24:
PyBluez, a
bluetooth extension module for Python
- 2007-Aug-24:
a script to generate perfect minimal hash functions for a known set of
- 2007-Aug-24:
Some Python tuning
- 2007-Aug-24:
Construct, a
domain Python module for defining arbitrary data structures, a similar
idea to the standard struct
module, but with more capabilities and the ability to work with bit fields.
- 2007-Aug-24:
pytst is
a Ternary Search Tree (TST or trie).
- 2007-Aug-24:
Python Enhanced Metafile bindings
- 2007-Aug-24:
of trying to install multiple versions of Python on a single Windows
- 2007-Aug-24: The dateutil module
provides extensions to the datetime module that is introduced in Python
2.3, including knowing how to calculate the date of Easter and world
timezone information based on Olson's database.